The brain is paradoxical. It is both amazing and poor in design.
It is best viewed through the perception of what is possible for you in the environment that you are in.
It really is as simple and complex as that.
You are the sum of all the parts around you.
You are not the sum of parts.
Change is not easy. Not easy at all. The brain wants familiar even if the human needs different.
Take a look back at your life experiences, what are the patterns? what are your behaviours? What is your emotional world like? What is success to you?
Are you in control of you?
Are envioronmental forces in control of you?
My writing on here is all about supporting those who want it to be able to understand their present barriers, limitations and challenges, where they come from, how they exist still and how we can work to remove, overcome, change and master all of them.
I have vast experience in what works, what does not work, how the brain functions, how the nervous system manages our experiences, how our hormones can tell us about the imbalances outside of us and how our emotions can tell our life story.
I have encouraged all of my readers to take the winter months to reflect, reflex and consider what may not be working in their life so that when the cycle moves into spring then all can take advantage of growth, newness and light to create their best version of them.
As March is a good month for action I have decided to take the following action.
For all paid subscribers there will be a daily ten minutes of action to take to support any change that they may want to take.
The change can be anything and everything.
Change is change in the brain, there is no good there is no bad.
This will be every day for 56 days to support that new neural growth.
This will take us to the 26th April.
This is what change looks like in temporal terms.
It is not an overnight transformation.
It is not a get here quick phenomena.
It is an investment of time, energy and resources to appreciate your version of you.
Subscription to this particular programme is more than the amount of money invested.
It is a declaration of ‘this is my worth’.
‘This is how much I value myself’
‘This is what I want to appreciate going forward’.
I am not going to presume that everyone reading my writing wants to change.
Current statistical evidence though informs me that the majority NEED to change.
Ill health, unwellness, dysregulation is rife in our societies.
Current rates of excess deaths are tragic and traumatic, no matter why they are happening, they are happening in demographics unseen before 2022.
Not just for adults but for children too which is the ultimate sadness.
So, for all of you who subscribe currently you can expect the following just 3 things daily for 56 days in order to be magnificent.
A quick read or a quick video to quide you through a concept of change
A question to contemplate
An activity to do
No more than 10 minutes daily to commit to the process, although you can choose to commit more.
For non subscribers you will recieve the current communication stream which is two focused mailouts for processes plus any additional writing I choose to do.
I am always really careful with my mailouts as I do not want to intrude, nor do I want to be just a background noise that is tolerated but neither banished nor welcomed.
I want (and need) people to join in this process who recognise that they need (and want) to make changes to create their better life.
I see too many people who are checked out, dysregulated, unwell or just exhausted and ground down ( to be honest I have been one of them!),
Human beings were not wired for pain or suffering, they are hardwired for joy, connection, learning and growth.
So please do contemplate joining in on this voyage of transformation led by your very own maven of neuroscience.
Don't just learn, experience.
Don't just read, absorb.
Don't just change, transform.
Don't just relate, advocate.
Don't just promise, prove.
Don't just criticize, encourage.
Don't just think, ponder.
Don't just take, give.
Don't just see, feel.
Don’t just dream, do.
Don't just hear, listen.
Don't just talk, act.
Don't just tell, show.
Don't just exist, live.
I’m in!!!
I will be doing this :)