All you ever need to know about CHANGE is a four session process that comes with a self directed video to watch plus workbooks for paid subscribers.
The sessions are as follows -
Session One - Awareness, acceptance and ability to change
Learning Outcomes - 1) What do you need to be aware of in a change process 2) How acceptance is active not passive 3) How to transition to change, kindly
Session Two - Ending, losing and letting go
Learning Outcomes - 1) How to transition to an end 2) identify and integrate loss 3) how to let go in the best possible way
Session Three - How to manage self-care in a time of change
Learning Outcomes - 1) Create the environment to create self-care. 2) How to use the motivation and reward mechanism to meet your needs 3) Reflection and pause to ground your identity
Session Four - Embracing new beginnings
Learning Outcomes - 1) Why we are always part of a change cycle 2) How to create new understandings, values and attitudes 3) Identity and purpose within a change process
It is the intention of the whole process to give you all you need to understand why you have not changed before, or if change has not been sustainable why that may be.
It has all you may need to really jump start any intentions that may have to change.
The sessions will be released every Monday in February and you will have a week to watch and complete the exercises.
If anyone has any questions then please do not hesitate to contact me!
Here is to laying foundations in February that support you in the year ahead.
“The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.”