Beltain is about honouring the light half of the year and rejoicing in warmth, passion, fertility, and all of the offering’s of the Earth.
It is a form of veneration of the warm sun, positivity, radiance, and abundance.
It is important that human beings reconnect with the cycles and notice the wheel of time that passes throughout the year.
When we do not do what is appropriate for the energy of the moment then we are really struggling against the natural rythyms of ourselves.
The more that we connect with ourselves, the natural environment, the energy around us the higher our levels of wellbeing. It is a simple as that.
I have prepared your Beltain workbook and you can access it HERE
Enjoy your May Day and think about what is possible for the coming months of Summer.
This is your time for moving mountains. Take advantage of that!
If now is not the time, when is it?
Beltane blessings to you 🌞
Love a workbook - thanks 😀