Each week I am inviting you to choose just one task to focus on that will support the tone of the week. You need to be able to commit to it consistently each day, every day, until Sunday. That is how the brain changes. By changing the environment, having new experiences and being consistent with it.
New Experiences=Neuroplasticty/Neurogenesis
Engage with Nature:
Spend time outdoors, looking at trees and leaves instead of electronic devices.
Nature reduces anxiety, lowers heart rates, and allows your brain to make connections more easily.
Clear your mind of jumbled thoughts through meditation.
Create space for observation, reflection, and improved task concentration.
Physical Exercise:
Regular exercise releases endorphins, reducing stress and opening up more fruitful thinking pathways in your brain.
Connect with Diverse People:
Interact with individuals from different backgrounds.
Diversity challenges stereotypes and makes your brain work harder, fostering creativity.
Use your non-dominant hand:
This increases neuroplasticity and promotes thinking outside of the box
These benefits extend further, enhancing creativity and resilience in daily life.
Creativity is the power to connect the seemingly unconnected
I going to follow it this week. I will send you my reflections at the end of the week on Sunday ;)