I happened to become more interested in the environment by accident really. I was researching people and was very person centred. Then I realised that how those people were presenting and all their experiences were mediated by the environment that they were operating in.
This was my eureka moment.
It seems really ridiculous to me now, almost a naivety, that I had made assumptions that a person could be or do certain things regardless of where they were or what it was like.
However, I realised that this was conditioning that was prevalent throughout all the messaging and the influences that abound in the Western World.
It places all responsibility, accountability and more often than not blame, completely at an individual level.
If you are unsuccessful, poor, sick, lacking in motivation, deprived, lacking in achievement, stuck in a rut, then it must be your fault. You are the one to blame, you are the one that is culpable. There is never a mention of the type of terrain, environment, or operating system that could be a huge factor in your ability to live.
We hear about the exceptions that manage to rise above the environment and break through as if they were the norm and the millions that cannot emulate their success being failures rather than being honest and truthful about the probability of it all.
I often speak to people who want to make changes in their lives and I ask them how does their environment reflect the changes that they want to make.
This is crucial, in that our brains need cues to be able to be convinced that changes made are worth the expenditure of the energy taken to be and do different.
So if you want to change, what signs and symbols are surrounding you?
Health and wellbeing is so important so even if you have no further change other than just to be more well then what can you do?
Improving your environment to enhance your health can be achieved through several practical steps.
Improve Air Quality: Use air purifiers, maintain proper ventilation, and grow indoor plants that can filter toxins from the air.
Natural Light: Maximise the use of natural light in your home. It can boost your mood and save energy.
Ergonomic Design: Arrange your living and workspaces ergonomically to prevent strain and injury.
Reduce Noise Pollution: Use soundproofing materials or noise-cancelling devices to create a quieter, more peaceful environment.
Chemical-Free Cleaning: Use natural cleaning products to reduce exposure to harsh chemicals.
Mindful Decoration: Decorate with calming colors and materials that do not emit volatile organic compounds (VOCs).
Healthy Eating Environment: Create a space dedicated to mindful eating, free from distractions like TV or work-related materials.
Active Design: Incorporate elements in your home that encourage physical activity, like standing desks or space for yoga and exercise.
Mental Health Spaces: Designate areas for relaxation and meditation to help reduce stress and improve mental well-being.
Community Engagement: Get involved in local environmental initiatives to improve public spaces and promote a sense of community well-being.
By focusing on these aspects, you can create an environment that supports both your physical and mental health. Remember, even small changes can have a significant impact on your overall well-being.
Look at the environment around you - how is the external affecting the internal? It can make a huge difference in both the quality and quantity of life.
I urge you all to audit your surroundings and start to make changes that are going to help you be the best version of yourself.
“The environment is where we all meet, where we all have a mutual interest. It is the one thing all of us share.”