Today, take the opportunity to just lie on the ground. Choose a safe place which may be soil, grass, moss, sand, whichever is easiest for you.
Lie on your back and let all your weight sink into the ground.
Stay there for five minutes.
During the five minutes take deep breaths and just let them go.
It does not matter if your mind wanders, just keep breathing.
Allow your body to relax into the Earth.
After you have completed the task, ask your body how it feels.
Listen to it and take notice.
Write in your journal, your sheets or your book anything that you need to.
See you tomorrow :-)
“Never wrestle with pigs. You both get dirty and the pig likes it.”
It’s a wet ground here this morning, it’s been raining all night. I’ll do this one in a few hours when the sun comes out. ☀️☀️☔️☔️