Walking barefoot has the added benefit of massaging acupuncture points in your feet like in reflexology.
We are going to work to acess the Kidney-1 (K-1) point or “bubbling well” in the centre of your foot.
Walking barefoot helps stimulate this point. Be sure to use your whole foot when you walk: heel, ball, toes.
Try to take at least ten minutes to walk on ground that is uneven if possible to be able to access the centre of your foot. If you are unable to walk, just sit and run your bare feet over the ground, especially paying attention to how you place pressure on the centre of your foot.
After you have finished ask your feet how they feel, then ask the rest of your body.
Note this information in your journals, sheets or book.
See you tomorrow :-)
“the most effective method for self-treatment of tension-related ailments”