This is an interesting exercise to do and from a philosophical perspective really allows the ending of one thing before starting another.
For today, during the day, after completing one task just take a few moments to do the following -
Either sitting or standing, just close your eyes, roll your shoulders back and feel the ground beneath your feet. Allow all noises just to be around you, they have as much right as you to be there, just let them wash over you.
Feel the ground beneath your feet and allow the solidness of the connection to go throughout your body.
Now you are ready to begin your next thing.
This exercise allows your central nervous system, in particular your brain, to stop paying attention to one thing and allowing a system rest and reboot before starting the next.
You will reap the benefit of this everytime that you do it.
Count how many times you do it today and remember to note it either in your journal, your sheets or your book.
I will see you tomorrow for day three!
Time is a constant force, like two poles connected by an elastic string. Taking a pause in life is like stretching that string, gathering energy to propel us forward with greater force and speed