Imbolc is traditionally aligned with the first day of spring and the idea of rebirth. It is celebrated by rituals including burning lamps and lighting bonfires in tribute to the celtic goddess Brigid.
Imbolc is important because it celebrates the return of light and the end of darkness, which symbolizes the beginning of a new cycle of life.
Imbolc is also associated with the idea of rebirth and new beginnings, which is why it is often celebrated with rituals such as gift-giving, dancing, storytelling, and lighting bonfires.
In the promotion of working with our circadian rhythym and connecting with the right kind of envronment it is important to bring into awareness understandings of ourselves and how we behave, what we feel and the way that we think.
Now it is the time of year when we are seeing more light, it is also the time that we should be starting to stir ourselves from our winter slumber.
The seasons are periods of the year characterized by changes in weather, ecology, and hours of daylight. The exact dates of the seasons depend on the definition used.
In the United Kingdom, the astronomical seasons are defined as follows-
Spring: Begins on March 20, at 9:24 PM and ends on June 21
Summer: Begins on June 21, at 3:57 PM and ends on September 23
Autumn: Begins on September 23, at 6:50 AM and ends on December 21
Winter: Begins on December 22, at 3.30 AM and ends on March 19, 2024
The meteorological seasons, on the other hand, are defined based on temperature cycles and begin on the first day of the months that include the equinoxes and solstices.
According to the meteorological definition, the seasons are as follows -
Spring: March 1 to May 31
Summer: June 1 to August 31
Autumn: September 1 to November 30
Winter: December 1 to February 28 (February 29 in a leap year)
Whichever seasonal definition you follow, Imbolc is the celebration of the beginning of the end of Winter.
I have prepared a workbook which supports you in shaking off Winter to welcome in Spring.
You can download it from HERE
Enjoy discovering and see you next time :-)
“Cleansing and clearing are two words which suit the essence of Imbolc, as this is February, the Roman month of purification. This can be a cleansing of the self, in undertaking a good ‘detox’, or a clearing and cleansing of the home, in keeping with the tradition of spring-cleaning.”