You may not realise this but one of the key ways to increase the connection between the prefrontal cortext and the limbic system is to engage in exercise so I am inviting you to do this alongside the Thoughtober programme.
Out of all the exercises out there ,it has been found in research that squatting is the best for brain health and function. You can find the research HERE should you wish to read it all.
In short though these are the findings -
Squatting is an ‘intelligent’ form of exercise because of the way it intermittently challenges the brain with an increase of blood flow and a decrease of blood flow.
As we lower and rise in a squat, we challenge the inner linings of our arteries to supply blood to the brain, and that then helps the brain to recognise the helpful chemicals it needs to grow.
That blood supply is important also because our hippocampus – the bit of the brain responsible for learning and memory – tends to shrink as we get older.
As it does so, it gets less blood supply; when we do things like squatting more blood gets sent to the hippocampus. And that happens specifically in those compound resistance moves rather than activities like walking.
So I am challenging you all to having Squatober alongside Thoughtober.
It is really simple.
You start off with 5 squats and each day you add 5 on.
You can do bodyweight squats, jump squats, split squats, weighted squats, offset squats, any type of squat.
You can do them any time of day, and split them up in the later days when we are heading into good amounts of squatting.
I have even done you a quick crib sheet so you can cross off the squats each day and you know you have done them! It also has the rules on to remind you!
You can find the sheet HERE
This is for everyone.
You may not know this about be but I am a fully qualified level 6 personal trainer alongside my neuroscience expertise. I did it to be professional in my somatic work. I continue it as I know one size does not fit all in transformation!
No matter how much you work out or do not Squatober is a level playing field.
It is not just about the exercise, it is about commitment, consistency and doing something different that the brain will notice.
You start off with 5 and by the 31st October you will have completed 2620. More than that though you will have fed your brain with oxygen, nutrients and good blood flow!
I will be doing it.
If you do it, let me know and we can have a celebration in November!
Let us all start Winter with good brain health, motivation, connection and thoughtfulness.
We will be better if we do!
“The squat is not merely a physical exercise; it is a spiritual discipline. Doing squats is not just about building bigger muscles, it’s about building a stronger, more resilient character.”
I always struggle doing squats, I will try my hardest to commit.
Yeah let’s do it!