Kindness is a fascinating topic, and research in psychology and neuroscience has shed light on what makes us kind.
Effortful Kindness: Kind acts often require effort, but research shows that people are willing to put in physical work to help others. Our brains represent the effort involved, and focusing on the benefits rather than the effort can motivate us to be kind.
Learning to Be Kind: When we help someone else, specific parts of our brain (like the cingulate cortex) become more active. This suggests that we might have specialized brain regions for kindness. So, when deciding to be kind, focus on the positive outcomes for others to increase the likelihood of repeating kind acts.
Commonality and Acceptance: Cultivating kindness toward ourselves and others allows us to find commonality with all life. It opens our hearts and helps us accept the existential predicament we all face—being mortal beings.
Remember, small acts of kindness can create positive change in the world, especially during challenging times.
Do something kind for yourself. Do something kind for someone or something else.
Am I aware of my cognitive biases? Reflect on mental shortcuts and their effects.
The ideas that have lighted my way have been kindness, beauty and truth.