I intend you have enjoyed the ritual of Samhain and you have celebrated the changes you have made.
I wanted to just let you know what is happening for the rest of the year.
As you know I want to help everyone understand their brain, body, soul connection to themselves and to the environment in my unique Neuroscientific way.
This is so important to me.
So I work with the cycles of the brain, body and soul as much as I can so that humans can understand themselves and their responses better.
November is the real start of the dark days and nights so I want to take the opportunity to do a check up of your Allostatic Load.
So on the 6th, 13th, 20th and 27th we will be taking a journey of the neuroscience of stress so that you can give yourself an allostatic MOT to see where you need to put your efforts into maintaining good homeostasis.
I guarantee you will enjoy!
December is my nemesis.
I am officially the Grinch.
My heart is two sizes too small at this time of year.
However I am determined (one day) for this not to be the case.
Every year I do different to find the magic formula to embrace the true meaning of Yuletide.
This year I have decided to have a December of ‘Bonhomie’.
Bonhomie is the spirit of exuberance, friendliness, geniality, kindness. In general it is the heart of being human.
I will be dedicating December to promoting bonhomie and would love it if you joined me on that quest.
Every day in December will be moments of bonhomie from me to you that will express it in various ways. You can keep them to yourself or you can share them with your world.
They will be my gifts of bonhomie to you to which will light up the darkest days to the winter solstice and beyond.
Winter is not a time to execute any activity, it is a time to be uniquely human with all the benefits that brings.
I will share with you everything you need that will ensure you have alternatives to the Christmas madness.
So that is our November and December in a nutshell.
January I will be bringing Joy so look out for that.
For now just take time to assess, reflect and bask in the bonhomie I am putting your way.
“I like being full of mystery and wonder, people always know im up to something but never know exactly what.”