On the second day of kindness my neuroscientist gave to me...
A mindmap of what kindness means to you
Today for no more than five minutes please can you mind map what kindness means to you.
Mind mapping is a truly effective and amazing technique that will allow the kindness to ripple through your brain at a speed of 60 bits per second.
Mind mapping improves the following skills -
Understanding, memory retention, problem-solving, dynamic thinking, critical thinking, creativity and writing. All executive function skills and you know how much I am determined to improve everyone’s pre-frontal cortex!
Write kindness in the centre of a page
Identify your first -level concepts that spring to mind when you think about what kindness means to you
Expand on these concepts, using branches that spring from each of your ideas from 2.
Add any images or annotations, be as colourful or creative as you like.
This exercise is going to increase your positive emotions, increase pro-social behaviours and improve your cognitive connections.
All in five minutes!
Keep your mind map where you can get to it in the future. You will need it for a future day!
So who else may need some of this mind map magic?
Be sure to pass it on to two other people who may need this.
“We are not the stuff that abides, but patterns
that perpetuate themselves.”