Today it is all about filling your heart with all the kindness.
Draw a picture of a heart. It can be symbolic or it can be anatomical. It does not matter which. All that matters is that you associate it with matters of the heart.
Then I would like you to fill it with people, events, experiences that symbolise kindness to you.
This is really important.
Our brains have to process an enormous amount of data every second of our lives. Symbols help us to make sense of our surroundings. This is because they are a way of instantly communicating. They provide a mental shortcut that triggers recognition, understanding and feeling.
So why would we not want to train our brains to seek out the kindness?
When you have finished your picture, place it where you can see it every day for at least 56 days.
56 days are the time it takes to create a new neural pathway in the brain.
The more we surround ourselves with our symbols of kindness, the more our brain will subconsciously seek kindness out.
Please pass this on to two other people who may require kindness in their life. Although, you may have run out of people by now, so pass on to anyone who may be curious on how to rewire the brain!
“Kind heart, kind soul, kind life.”