The winter solstice, has intriguing effects on our brain and body. Let’s explore:
Reduced Sunlight and Vitamin D:
During winter, the nights are longer, leading to decreased exposure to sunlight.
This reduced sunlight can lower our vitamin D levels, leaving us feeling more exhausted.
To counter this, consider incorporating vitamin D-rich foods into your diet, such as tuna, salmon, dairy products, orange juice, soy milk, cheese, and egg yolks.
Mood and Serotonin Levels:
Studies reveal that our brain’s serotonin levels are lower during this time of year.
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter associated with mood regulation.
Less sunlight can contribute to feelings of moodiness and even depression.
Combat this by seeking natural light exposure, especially in the morning. A brisk walk outdoors can help jump-start your circadian clock.
Serotonin, the balancing neurotransmitter, plays a crucial role in regulating mood, sleep, and overall well-being.
Here are natural ways to boost serotonin levels:
Adjust Your Diet:
While you can’t directly get serotonin from food, you can consume tryptophan, an amino acid that converts to serotonin in your brain.
Tryptophan-rich foods include turkey, salmon, tofu, and nuts.
To enhance tryptophan absorption, pair these foods with 25 to 30 grams of carbohydrates. For example:
Whole-wheat bread with turkey or cheese
Oatmeal with nuts
Salmon with brown rice
Plums or pineapple with crackers
Get More Exercise:
Aerobic exercise triggers the release of tryptophan into your blood.
Aim for activities that raise your heart rate, such as swimming, cycling, brisk walking, jogging, or light hiking.
Exercise also reduces other amino acids, creating an ideal environment for tryptophan to reach your brain.
Bring in the Bright Light:
Sunlight exposure affects serotonin levels.
Research suggests that serotonin tends to be lower in winter and higher in summer.
Combat this by spending time outdoors during daylight hours.
Manage Stress:
Chronic stress can deplete serotonin levels.
Practice stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, yoga, or mindfulness.
Socialise and Connect:
Spending time with loved ones and engaging in positive social interactions can boost serotonin.
Laughter, hugs, and meaningful conversations all contribute.
Self-Care and Appreciation:
Prioritise self-care activities that bring you joy—whether it’s reading, listening to music, or taking a warm bath.
Express appreciation daily by acknowledging the good things you have done in your life.
In the spirit of bonhomie please look at point 5. What can you do to improve your connection? It is no small mistake that when people feel disconnected, isolated, unlistened to, not of value that this has a huge impact on serotonin. We all need to understand the impact of our social environment. So today go all out to boost your serotonin.
Remember that small lifestyle changes can have a significant impact on your serotonin levels. Choose activities that resonate with you, and let the serotonin flow! ☀️🌿
You can change dopamine and the dorsal striatum with exercise. You can boost serotonin with a massage. You can make decisions and set goals to activate the ventromedial prefrontal cortex. You can reduce amygdala activity with a hug and increase anterior cingulate activity with gratitude. You can enhance prefrontal norepinephrine with sleep
Does alcohol have a physiological effect on serotonin levels?