Today I want you to embarce the utter joy of compliments.
There is (of course) fascinating neuroscientfic reasons for paying compliments and how these simple acts can have a profound impact on our well-being and social connections.
Increasing Happiness:
Research shows that giving compliments can boost your own happiness. Engaging in random acts of kindness, including paying compliments, reliably enhances personal well-being.
While social media often invites us to compliment others, uninvited compliments hold more power. These are compliments that arise spontaneously and genuinely.
The Brain Mechanism:
When you give a compliment, your brain activates regions associated with empathy and social bonding. These include the limbic system and the hippocampus.
The hippocampus links the compliment to a specific context, creating a what-when-and-where memory. So, when you smell a familiar scent or hear a kind word, your brain time-travels to those moments of connection - remember yesterday!
In summary, paying compliments isn’t just polite—it’s a powerful way to spread positivity, enhance your own well-being, and strengthen social bonds. So go ahead, share a sincere compliment today! 😊🌟
Your task is to give as many compliments out as you can.
Sincere, unsolicited, beautiful compliments.
If you receive any your task is just to appreciate the compliment. Do not bat it away reject it or point out your perceived faults as rebuttal.
I can guarantee your central nervous system will thank you for it..
“You look great," he said.
It made her smile, even if it was a lie. "I'm as big as a house."
He laughed. "I like houses. In fact, I'm thinking about architecture as a career.”