Singing, beyond being a delightful form of expression, has fascinating effects on our brains.
Let’s delve into the neuroscience of singing:
Neural Networks Involved in Singing:
When we sing, a vast network of brain regions orchestrates the control of all muscles along the vocal tract. These muscles are responsible for respiration, vocal fold motion, resonance changes, and articulation.
Singers might not be consciously aware of these neural networks, but they play a crucial role in coordinating various muscle groups during vocalization.
Extensive vocal training and practice can alter these networks, enhancing a singer’s abilities.
Recent research explores how these networks respond to changes in auditory and kinesthetic feedback
The Right Temporal Lobe Activation:
Singing activates the right temporal lobe of our brain.
This activation releases endorphins, which contribute to increased intelligence, better health, happiness, and creativity.
Singing with others amplifies these effects, creating a shared neural resonance
Singing Neurons:
MIT neuroscientists have identified a specific population of neurons in the auditory cortex that lights up when we hear singing.
Interestingly, these neurons respond specifically to the combination of voice and musicrather than regular speech or instrumental music
Relieves Stress:
Singing appears to be a stress-reliever. Research shows that after singing, the stress hormone cortisol decreases, indicating relaxation.
Singing reduces stress levels whether done individually or in a group. However, cortisol levels may increase if singing occurs in an anxiety-inducing environment.
Boosts Immune Response:
Evidence suggests that singing may enhance your immune system. A study compared singing to simply listening to music.
Those who sang showed higher levels of immunoglobulin A, an antibody that helps fend off infections.
Listening to music (without singing) reduced stress hormones but didn’t stimulate the immune system.
Increases Pain Threshold:
Collective singing in groups triggers the release of endorphins, promoting positive feelings and altering pain perception.
Social connection during group singing seems to be behind the boost in pain tolerance.
Potential Snoring Improvement:
Regular singing may change your breathing patterns even when you’re not singing.
Choir members tend to snore less, suggesting singing as a potential treatment for snoring.
Today I want you to sing, even if you do not feel like it! Singing is not only a delightful art form but also a powerful brain workout that engages intricate neural networks and sparks joy.
Raise your voice and bonhomie today 🎶🧠
If everyone started off the day singing, just think how happy they'd be