Neuro Inertia and Creativity:
Insight: Doing Nothing for Creativity
Sometimes, taking a break or doing nothing can be surprisingly beneficial for creativity. When you pause and allow your mind to rest, it creates space for processing information and solving problems.
This insight aligns with the idea that “eureka” moments often occur when we least expect them—during a walk, a shower, or even while daydreaming. It’s as if our brain continues working in the background, connecting dots and generating novel ideas.
Neuro Aspect: Balancing Attention Networks
Our brain has different networks responsible for various cognitive functions. Two relevant networks are:
Executive Attention Network: This network handles focused attention, decision-making, and problem-solving. It’s active when we’re engaged in tasks.
Imagination Network (Default Mode Network): This network activates during daydreaming, mind-wandering, and creative thinking. It’s associated with generating new ideas.
Neuro inertia occurs when the executive attention network takes a break. As a result, the imagination network gets a chance to flourish. This balance allows for creative insights and fresh perspectives.
In summary, sometimes doing nothing isn’t wasted time—it’s an essential part of the creative process. So, the next time you find yourself staring out the window, know that your brain might be brewing something brilliant!
We’ve been good friends for years. We eat to together once a week on average. We’ve gone on holidays together. We’ve known each other well enough and long enough to have developed a natural ease and familiarity with one another. They’re the kind of people I can quite happily spend time with doing nothing at all. I’m quite serious. It’s not unusual to find us sitting together, all reading books and barely talking for a couple hours or so. We have an unspoken rule that it’s entirely okay to doze off on each other’s couches.