The ability to think in a flexible fashion.
To be able to consider the impossible as being possible.
The oxymoron in the room.
To consider opposing view points with objectivity.
To agree to disagree (amicably).
To know that non-dominance is as useful as dominance.
All of these things are super important in brain health.
So today please can you choose to do one of the following -
Use your non-dominant hand as the go to hand
Consider all the different ways you can skin a cat (metaphorically of course)
Consider all view points from the opposing opinion than you would generally take
Consider how many different versions of you there would be if we lived in a parrallel multiverse
I love to think about things that are challenging my brain’s want for familiarity. The more we do it, the better it is.
…“but, said Alice, if the world has absolutely no sense, who’s stopping us from inventing one?”