The central tenets of the Working Memory model of Baddeley and colleagues are as follows:
(1) It is a limited-capacity system; at any moment in time, there is only a finite amount of information directly available for processing in memory
(2) The specialized subsystems devoted to the representation of information of a particular type, for instance, verbal or visuospatial, are structurally independent of one another; the integrity of information represented in one domain is protected from the interfering effects of information that may be arriving to another domain
(3) Storage of information in memory is distinct from the processes that underlie stimulus perception; rather, there is a two-stage process whereby sensory information is first analyzed by perceptual modules and then transferred into specialized storage buffers that have no other role but to temporarily ‘hold’ preprocessed units of information.
Also the pieces of information that reside in such specialized buffers are subject to passive, time-based decay as well as inter-item interference (e.g., similar sounding words like ‘man,’ ‘mad,’ ‘map,’ ‘cap,’ ‘mad’ can lead to interference within a specialized phonological storage structure)
Finally, such storage buffers have no built-in or internal mechanism for maintaining or otherwise refreshing their contents – rather, this must occur from without – through the process of rehearsal, which might be a motor or top-down control mechanism that can sequentially access and refresh the contents that remain active within the store.
So you are not going to be memory tested on what the working memory model is all about but today I would like you to write a quick synopsis on what you had to do yesterday within this process.
What were the main points of yesterday?
What did you focus on?
What did you remember?
Enjoy ;-)
“Remembrance of things past is not necessarily the remembrance of things as they were.”