Today is all about strengthening our working memory capacity.
This is one of the first functions to start to deterioate when we age or when we have too many stressors in life.
It is quite interesting to me that when are in times of stress that memory functionality is one of the non essential brain functions but that is just where we are!
So today’s exercise is this -
I would like you to metaphorically go to a zoo
I would like to alphabetically and in order name which animals you saw at the zoo
Do this until you falter or cannot remember which animals you saw.
So it goes like this -
I went to the zoo and I saw… (animal beginning with a)
I went to the zoo and I saw …. (animal beginning with a, animaly beginning with b)
I went to the zoo and I saw… (animal beginning with a, animaly beginning with b, animal beginning with c)
and so on and so on….
Notice where you got up to and if you were surprised, concerned or neutral about where you got to.
The more you practice working memory the stronger the connection gets.
Practice makes good working memory.
“They can't expect anyone to actually pay for a shirt that says, 'I (picture of an elephant) the San Diego Zoo.' What does that even mean?”
I wrote a paper about working memory! I will be playing the zoo game on my commute :)