So have you ever considered this?
The worlds most powerful super-computers are as follows -
In contrast, our miraculous brains operate on the next order higher. Although it is impossible to calculate precisely, it is postulated that the human brain operates at 1 exaFLOP equivalent to a billion billion calculations per second.
The brain is not a computer although it is compared regularly with them.
It is so much better than one.
The human brain is the most powerful computer known, with about 100 billion neurons and roughly 1 quadrillion connections known as synapses wiring these cells together. The computing capacity of a mouse brain is estimated as 100,000 million operations per second, and that of the human brain is roughly 10¹⁴ cps (100 billion)
In computing terms, the human brain can perform the equivalent of an exaflop with just 20 watts of power.
I love the brain.
However the brain does not love us.
It’s job is to keep us alive.
That is it.
It also requires a lot of energy to do so.
So, today, I want you to think about what goes into your brain.
All hydration, nutrtition, data, information, all of it.
Is it the diet of one who is doing well?
Is it the diet of the punished?
We need to be careful of what we put in, then we can ensure that what we get out is what we need to thrive in life.
“The Net’s interactivity gives us powerful new tools for finding information, expressing ourselves, and conversing with others. It also turns us into lab rats constantly pressing levers to get tiny pellets of social or intellectual nourishment.”