Look at this diagram
This is a common time matrix used often when ‘teaching’ people how to manage time.
I do not agree with all of it.
I think that there are things placed in the wrong quadrants.
This is because I have a different perspective on time.
What I would like you to do is to create your own perspective of time and what is important to place priority on.
Where do things go?
What is important and urgent?
It is better to do this exercise with pen and a piece of paper as when we write we utilise a part of the brain that has a better concept of time and what it means.
Clever eh?
“The reason why one person is great and another person is living in mediocrity is simply because one understood the value of time while the other did not.”
I have just completed my Matrix. I am going to email you .
I am a bit behind with the activities. But getting there x