Happy September everyone.
I would like to urge everyone to reclaim September as the month of transition that it traditionally has been. The reason I say reclaim is that it appears for many that there are no natural ebbs and flows of energy and time. They have been replaced by an ever increasing load, both phsyically and mentally.
Marking occasions, honouring cycles is so important, especially if you wish to inspire or create change in your life. We are more likely to achieve goals that we set if we take advantage of times in the year when we can lever the ‘fresh start effect’, you can find a really interesting study here that explains this phenomena.
Aside from new year, which we really need to turn our back on as the ideal time for change due to so many factors, September is steeped in the freshness of the new academic year, and where we embrace new shoes, new clothes and new equipment.
We all need to look to use the energy that this transitional time gives us to really utilise the ability to reap what we have sown and reflect on what has worked, what has not and what did not make a difference.
So this 1st of the month before you do anything else why not make a quick appraisal of how you can leverage the ‘fresh start effect’.
How much energy do you have to make the leap into newness?
How connected to yourself and your environment are you?
How supported do you feel?
What tools do you have to meet the rigours of Autumn and Winter?
What tools do you need?
Are you ready to harvest what you have sown?
Have your seeds developed into fully grown crops?
Are you ready to make assessments of your progression?
During September I will be providing tools to make assessments, to honestly look at the what, whys and hows of the good, the bad and the ugly.
But for now, just answer those questions and reclaim September as your transition time from the long days of summer into the shortening of the light in winter.
Autumn is a poem - while you fall for everything, you remember that there is something worth dying for