Why we should not conflate bad behaviour with mental health conditions
Mental illness does not justify exploitation
There is a concerning trend going on in mainstream media. It is one of how bad behaviour, when found out, is then attempted to be justified by one of many mental health conditions.
This is dangerous practice.
It is harmful for those human beings who are mentally ill and do not harm other people.
It is also harmful for those human beings who have been harmed by the actions of those who willfully exploit other human beings.
I have worked with many people who have a diagnosis of a mental health condition who have not harmed, exploited or damaged other people.
I have worked with many people who do not have a diagnosis of a mental health condition who have harmed, exploited or damaged other people.
Making excuses for either your own or someone else’s bad behaviour by using mental health conditions is a form of psychological avoidance. It is not taking responsibility or avoiding the harm that has been done.
This is not healthy for individuals nor for society.
It is bypassing the real issue and using narrative that attempts to put a barrier between owning the action and taking responsibility for the suffering.
If anyone has caused harm or suffering to another human being, or if they have exploited vulnerabilities of another then they should be expected to own this. If you are that way inclined to do the deed then at least stand up and be counted.
Another point of concern is the #bekind that is bandied around to seemingly ‘protect’ those who have commited deeds that are not kind.
I think these people saying #bekind are missing the point.
Kindness is not an indlugence.
It is a long term strategy to ensure the meeting of a need.
So in the case of bad behaviour the kindest thing is to firmly and respectfully point out the issue. As well as setting humane boundaries as to what the societal social contract is and expected to be.
The exploitation of other human beings is bad behaviour no matter what.
It has been so normalised, and human beings have been dehumanised to such a degree that kind behaviour has been lost in translation.
The general population of human beings are being exploited by the few who are literally manipulating the majority for their advantage.
Just some of the ways are this -
Gas lighting
Virtue signalling
Causing disconnect of real human contact
Creating pain points to ensure financial gain
Exploiting power and control
The list could go on and on.
#Bekind needs to be rebranded as #ActingKindly and a whole explanation that goes alongside it.
#ActingKindly in essence is this -
Having integrity
Having and being respectful
Being unafraid to have principles and live by them
Being supported when blowing the whistle on inhumane practice
Taking tough decisions that evolove humanity not destroy it
Having warmth and positive intention in all actions
Not justifying bad behaviour but owning it and taking responsibility
I could go on and speak about how other behaviours are being labelled as mental health when in effect they are often forms of projection, manipulation, and, or, distress.
Society is doing a bad job at supporting humanity. It is really upsetting and frustrating to see who has platforms of influence and what is being promoted.
If all you can do is open your eyes and just see what is going on then please just do that.
I would then have a small ask.
Let us who believe in the potential of humans to be magnificent pledge to start #ActingKindly and support others to do the same.
Turn your back on the #BeKind nonsense as that is all it is.
#ActingKindly is a movement literally. It is about who humans really are.
Do not allow bad behaviour ever to be conflated with mental health illnesses. The two are not inclusive and should never be thought of as being mutual. Start to call this kind of narrative out. Someone can behave badly and have a mental health illness, however they should never use the mental health condition as a reason or excuse for their behaviour.
Start #ActingKindly today and be part of the minority who actually think about the consequences of their behaviour rather than the rabble jumping on the social media band wagon.
Together we can make a difference.
Together we can create a better (and kinder) world.
The trouble with excuses, however, is that they become inevitably difficult to believe after they’ve been used a couple of times
I was thinking about this earlier and wondering how to articulate. There are two strands which, as you say, aren't mutual. Mental health illness shouldn't preclude good behaviour.