There was an important debate held in the houses of parliament in the UK on 13th December 2022. Within it Mr Andrew Bridgen MP passionately and with huge conviciton backed up by relative and absolute data called for all scientists, doctors, nurses, medical professionals to speak out. This call was to speak about the huge harm being done by big pharmaceutical corporations with the conformity of the institutions that are supposedly there to keep the general public safe.
So I am a neuroscientist and I am speaking out.
As a backdrop since March 2020 I have consistently and regularly communicated with local leaders, constituent MP, department of health and cabinet office about what I was both observing and experiencing.
It was a huge source of disbelief and distress to me. I have not spoken out in this way before to my readers, although individually I have expressed my views and I have spoken via my podcast about these issues.
The harm done to the populace due to the greed and lack of compassion by big pharma, and all of its agents, is the biggest disgrace in the history of human health and wellbeing.
Deaths due to side effects of medication given to a population that does not need the majority of it is the 3rd highest cause of deaths globally.
Let that sink in.
In the UK alone it costs the British tax payer £500 million a year for addictive, harmful medication that is bringing pain, suffering and loss to those who are prescribed it.
And yet. The public (not just in the UK) are expected to trust and listen to agencies that are in the employ and back pocket of these huge corporations. These corporations are intertwined with the funding model, the career paths, the peer-reviews and the greasing the back pocket of all who work within health and wellbeing research. This means that we can never be certain that the data being presented is true nor that it has been reviewed with due diligience and rigour.
I love science. One of the reasons that I love science is that it can never be reduced to absolutes. Especially when we are researching human conditions. Every journal paper when discussing limitations of the research will highlight that participant demographics may not include all groups of people, or that the study sample was too small or perhaps there may be an issue with replication.
None of this was discussed in the recent mainstream media control of mrna treatments for the prevention of covid 19.
Now I am not going to speak out about the technical failings of that so called vaccine, nor am I going to speak out about the serious adverse effects that at the time of writing affect 1 in 800 jabs of the mrna treatment (note that that is not people, that is actual applications).
What I am going to speak about is the deliberate manipulation of the environment to coerce and control people into taking a medication that the authorities, the creators and the manufactorers knew was not fit for purpose.
The environment sought to vilify, to dehumanise, to separate and to crush any opposition to this treatment. The narrative and rhetoric at the time was so divisive and so hardline where those who dared to talk about their opposition to partaking in this huge human experiment were talked about as if they were the most stupid, ignorant, inept, super spreader, granny killer humans in existance.
This narrative was relentless.
It was on billboards, on posters, on every mainstream media channel, in every newspaper, advertisements on all social media channels. It was within schools, colleges, community centres. It was in opinion pieces where it was also casually discussed about the ‘unvaccinated’ being incarcerated and excluded until they ‘did the right thing’.
This was propaganda at its finest.
Utilising public figures to deliver messages to persuade, influence, manipulate and divide people. Using messaging completely targetted at the limbic system to provoke emotional responses. Creating an atmosphere of terror for any who wanted to watch and wait, or simply, to not go there at all with technology that in its last outing had killed the majority of animals it was used in.
This messaging created an environment of hate and fear that will kill far more people in the long term than covid 19 has done globally.
This messaging created an environment of hate and feat that has split families up, destroyed communities and left many people not able to trust or utilise any health and wellbeing facility.
This is what I am speaking out about.
An environment that quickly turned on a group of people that did not want to partake in a continuing clinical trial - only last month did Pfizer and Moderna announce that they were starting research into long term effects of their mrna products. It is still administered under emergency powers. Long after the emergency has ended, if there ever was such a thing.
Let that sink in.
That only now, in 2022, after billions of people coerced into having this treatment have had multiple injections, are they looking into long term effects.
I wrote to the cabinet office, I wrote to the department of health, I wrote to my local leaders. I wrote at length about the lack of informed consent on this huge psychological experiment on human cohorts who did not know that they were being experimented on. I wrote about the fear and anxiety being projected onto children and young people. I wrote saying that there was huge inethical practice being conducted by health authorities and those who worked in the government nudge unit.
I placed complaints, as my initial emails and letters either went unanswered or were fobbed off with ‘these are extraordinary times’ etc etc.
They were extraordinary times because a group of people somewhere decided that they should be. They were made even more extraordinary with the seemingly overnight explosion of marketing and messaging that was everywhere.
Was I the only person who was curious as to how when we were will all supposed to be petrified and isolated from each other in March 2020 that advertisements were on screen almost immediately emulating this messaging. Were those who made advertisements not scared? or perhaps they had made these messages prior to lockdown as they knew what was coming, so not so much of an emergency then.
So I am speaking out about the structural changes in the brain that are created when human beings are socially isolated.
I am speaking out about the in group out group, life or death, stress response ilicited in the basal ganglia of the brain.
I am speaking out on the normalisation of anxiety as if it is entirely human to live constantly feeling that bad things are going to happen.
I am speaking out about the four times that I was visciously assaulted by members of the UK public as I did not conform to the symbols and rituals that were forced upon all the populace to reinforce the coercion and control.
I am speaking out that the public protection unit had no resources to protect my children and I from a public that had been turned savage, mean and dehumanised by the messaging and virtue signalling from public figures and a campaign paid for by the tax payers of the UK.
I am speaking out about the long term effects of this absolute smoke and mirrors grab for power, money and control.
On a personal note let me speak out about my experience.
I was ostracised from the scientific community as I did not conform to the narrative. I was patronised by non scientists who did not want to listen to a more broad picture of what was going on. I was bullied by local leaders who did not want to give up their own version of hubris. I was sympathised with by supposed law enforcers who were open in saying, we just cant protect people. I was looked to for support by others who also felt sidelined, unlistened to and separate from their communties. I have worked at length with people who are now suffering from neurological damage due to the mrna treatments. They are not being supported by the NHS so I am supporting, often at a cost to me.
I spent the majority of 2022 attempting to convince myself that I hated people.
This was completely untrue.
I love people which is why I do the work that I do. I absolutely adore the complexity and variety of human conditions.
I hate the behaviours that the majority of people now exhibit.
This is a huge reason why I have started this movement.
I want to help people understand how inhuman they have been influenced to be. I want to teach people about how their brain and body reacts to environments that are increasingly hostile and toxic. I want to creat a better (and kinder) world, one brain at a time, so I can live in this world, surrounded by humans who have remembered what humans are and what they are capable of.
I could write all day about how distressed and disgusted I am about the events of 2020 to date.
However I am going to end on a positive.
I pledge that I will give all my knowledge and wisdom to all who realise that the old world is toxic and want to be with us to create new.
I will work so hard in doing this.
It is what I was born to do.
I have no price, I cannot be bought by any organisation or agency.
I will work, doing whatever it takes, until there is a critical mass of us who can show how being human is so much better than the manipulated masses that are all around us.
Human beings are wired for joy, for connection, for creativity. Not pain, suffering and unwellness.
Thank you for reading and if you are so minded check out the speech made by Mr Andrew Bridgens MP. Let it be the catalyst for something, even if it takes time to become the mass enquiry he wishes it to be.
Popular culture is a place where pity is called compassion, flattery is called love, propaganda is called knowledge, tension is called peace, gossip is called news, and auto-tune is called singing.
I’m very glad that this issue is being raised in the House of Commons now. But am also concerned that the level of media attention being showed to these arguments, and the accompanying evidence seems to be far less than the coverage given to the message that it was vitally important to follow all the prescribed measures, as the only way to protect yourself and those around you. This in itself seems perhaps to be an attempt to preserve a narrative that should absolutely not be beyond challenge. Especially when certain individuals and institutions had so much to gain, personally and financially, from decisions that had an enormous impact on the lives of average people.
However people felt about the measures at the time, they have had lasting consequences that must now be addressed. I hope people realise the futility of the aggression and hostility they have shown towards one another, especially in light of the emerging evidence around the efficacy of decisions made around the pandemic, and that we never see such widespread dehumanisation of people again.
Thank you for speaking out now and all along. Where are the others? What is needed to get those that should be speaking out to add their voice. How many people will share this post? The video of the MP speaking etc.
I agree completely everyone needs to make the right decisions for them, that’s the point of informed consent. Two people in similar situations will weigh up risk and benefit and come to entirely different decisions, but what has happened is not informed consent.
I think most people are familiar with healthy vs junk food but how many think about the fear and junk media and messaging they are exposed to constantly…