I have just indulged myself in my punishment cycle of perusing The Guardian. I know I have written before on the sheer futility of this behaviour. I do it and it shows me every time how destructive hope can be.
I always hope that things, this time, will be different.
I will post a picture of my comment that I placed BTL (below the line for those of you who are not as stupid as me to do it!). It was in response to yet another doomsday writing from a journalist who prepandemic I quite liked reading - George Monbiot.
What I said is actually correct scientifically. When all we are exposed to is fear, loss, danger, uncertainty then our limbic system and in particular our amygdala (bless its little emotionally subconscious socks) is hypervigilant and you guessed it only paying attention to information that confirms how much we need to be scared of in order to survive.
What I am thinking humanly is this.
Why are we being bombarded with bad news constantly?
The professional answer is this because frightened people can be controlled and because they spend more money on trying to avoid their fear.
The human in me does not want to think that the majority of humanity fall for this, but I am starting to think that my human is overly optimistic at times.
Fear, uncertainty and doubt breeds illness, unwellness, aggression and intolerance.
It is as simple as that.
So start to question why our mainstream media would want to keep on illustrating this point over and over and over again.
Please start to bring more enjoyment, positive stiumlation and connection into your lives so that you central nervous system can see there is another way. A better way.
That humanity is not doomed.
And as I predicted in the time it took me to write this piece this happened
I have tried to find out before ( as detailed in previous writing) why I am constantly failing in my community standards but to date I am still none the wiser, other than I am not keeping to the required narrative.
I would love your opinion on how I am not being community minded.
I would also love you to point out the stupidity of my actions.
I live and alas, do not seem to learn.
The Guardian = My Nemesis
In my hour of spiritual need I turn to my comfort and confidant Kafka, for indeed this where I think we are in the telling of social issues and ‘news’.
For my next ponder, I am considering how I will be cared for when I am transformed into a beetle…
Adios, until next time.
“it is not necessary to accept everything as true, one must only accept it as necessary.' 'A melancholy conclusion,' said K. 'It turns lying into a universal principle.”
― Franz Kafka, The Trial
Hey Dr Rachel, I read your article and I cant see any reason why it should be removed. its quite strange to me? I thought that maybe it was too scientific? It cant be because you said you were worried about the guys mental health.. I actually like The Guardian generally but now I wonder.....?? Anyway hope you're okay and not too disheartened by the negativity. L.
While I understand the desire to make people aware of concerning events, I agree that more frequently writing articles on positive developments would be beneficial to the mental health of the readers. If articles consistently reflect the deterioration of the health, well-being and circumstances of society, the material in itself can be detrimental to peoples psychological well-being and the cycle can become self propagating