Dr Rachel
The UnBroken Podcast
Neuroarchitecture: Build Your Brain Or It Will Be Built For You

Neuroarchitecture: Build Your Brain Or It Will Be Built For You

The UnBroken Podcast is a call to action to create a different direction, dialogue, and narrative for your life. Dr Rachel Taylor discusses neuroarchitecture, and how manipulating our environment helps us build better brains. That’s coming up in this episode, sponsored by A Podcast Company.


Neuroarchitecture combines neuroscience and architecture, and deals with how the built environment either supports or detracts from a person’s experience. The environment can either stimulate the brain and make it more useful and flexible, or it can shrink it, making it not as adaptable. 


The environment has such a huge effect on the brain because the brain interprets, analyzes, and reconstructs the space surrounding it. It’s essential to surround ourselves with things that generate healthy stimulation, and this includes the aesthetics - we have to look at the symbolic aspects within that.



  • Defining and understanding neuroarchitecture.

  • The neurological impact of the built environment.

  • How color theory influences better brain function.

  • Debunking the myth of dopamine fasting.

  • Taking ownership over your environment.


Key Takeaways:

  • The environment can either stimulate the brain and make it more useful and flexible, or it can shrink it, making it not as adaptable.

  • It’s essential that we surround ourselves with things that generate healthy brain stimulation.

  • Stop allowing yourself to be held hostage by what other people have said - take ownership over your environment and make things better for yourself.



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Dr Rachel
The UnBroken Podcast
The world needs people like YOU! People who are different: People who can think: People who are UnBroken!
UnBroken is a call to action to create a different direction, dialogue and narrative for you. Challenging existing thoughts and smashing down barriers. Human beings are not parts they are wholes. Think about that. Each human system dependent on the others. The UnBroken Podcast brings it all together to transform lives and improve wholescale human performance.
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