Really important post. Its very easy to judge when you dont know individuals circumstances, but what is now becoming more obvious is how groups are being deliberately identified to create division or to vilify or gaslight others. If chaos, division, conflict and disharmony was the plan, it is working. However, each of us does have power to do our own little bit to make the world just that little bit better.

A friend of mine was so upset by the implications of those with mental health issues given he would be classed as one of "those" to be targeted by the government but also now subject to the judgement of others who will label him a scrounger and "could do some work". Some days he has been literally unable to get out of bed!!

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Completely understand and also want to point out that people who are able to access personal independent payments do not have mild depression or anxiety if they are assessed for mental health reasons. They’ve been unwell in excess of 9 months prior to applying for the support and have waited a long time to have said assessment which is a pretty tough thing to get through. It is revised as often as the decision maker deems is reasonable and is not the easy access to funds the minister is implying. It saddens me that those without are constantly targeted as being the cause of societal ills when in fact the reality is completely different to that.

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