Looking forward to this! After many months of stress and changes in my life I feel my prefrontal cortex is struggling... I am more anxious, I struggle with decision making, I am very unsure and unclear about my future plans. Hopefully Thoughtber could help!

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Oh bless you - I think many feel like that! In November you have the neuroscience of stress to look forward to as well, unless that’s an oxymoron 🤣 I’m so concerned about the state of our executive functioning so I’m intending this really supports it.

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Definitely looking forward to that... I used to be ambitious, passionate about things and goal oriented now I feel lost. I am not an expert but I think the pandemic and all the changes that it brought in our lives have have changed the way we think and how our brain functions... in particular in relation to decision making, future plans, autoregulation... etc... Very few people talk about that and how is affecting individuals but also the collective... so good to know you are on this mission!

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Oh it so did... I was so upset at all the decisions taken as it was obvious it was never about health and wellbeing due to what happened. I want to shout it from the rooftops but then I get attacked (sometimes physically) for pointing out what to me is obvious! I am really glad you are here and I intend it helps you :-)

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Dr Rachel Taylor

Thanks Dr Rach- once again I'm looking forward to what is ahead.Once again I have fallen a little to the wayside but it is so good to catch up on your emails and remind myself of new ways of thinking. Hope all is well with you- I am exhausted but keen to keep it moving :)

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Lovely to hear from you Lisa. We are getting closer to the time of pause and reflection so you can have properly regulated rest time then! I am here if you need anything! :-)

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Dr Rachel Taylor

Look forward to this.

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Me too! Xx

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Dr Rachel Taylor

Here for this in October! Definitely worth strengthening, especially as we enter Christmas/winter!

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Exactly that.. I am the Grinch so my heart is currently entering its two sizes too small phase ;-) so I am all about strengthening the executive functioning to combat the emotional dysregulation that typically accompanies Christmas ha ha!

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Sep 25, 2023Liked by Dr Rachel Taylor

I hear you. Busy crowds, over consumption, family feuds, SADs.... I could go on 😅 but my perception is similar to yours as you see so I thank you for this, I will need superior regulation ability!

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We are all in this together ;-)

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