Humans stand out from other species on our planet for our superior executive function.
There is lots that we can do to improve our environment, to support our executive functioning, to be able to think and regulate in a better way.
I am a lover of the prefrontal cortex. It is my favourite part of the brain. It is full of wonder and awe of just how much it can do, even under extremely difficult conditions.
The part of the brain that makes us inherently who we are.
The part that enables us to have insight, to plan, to solve and to connect in a meaningful way.
This is why this October I wanted to introduce a Thoughtober time.
Dedicating 31 days to improving all things executive function.
I want to encourage more responsive thinking and less reactive feeling.
Feelings and emotions are fabulous but not when they are dysregulated and ruling us rather than us choosing how to express them.
We will be focusing on all of the above during the month. Everyday a different thought, task or action to take to strenghten one of the nine areas of executive functioning.
I have enjoyed putting this together and I intend you have fun in doing it!
If you have any questions or queries then please do get in touch.
Looking forward to this! After many months of stress and changes in my life I feel my prefrontal cortex is struggling... I am more anxious, I struggle with decision making, I am very unsure and unclear about my future plans. Hopefully Thoughtber could help!
Thanks Dr Rach- once again I'm looking forward to what is ahead.Once again I have fallen a little to the wayside but it is so good to catch up on your emails and remind myself of new ways of thinking. Hope all is well with you- I am exhausted but keen to keep it moving :)