Did you know that being able to regulate your brain and body is not just about counting to ten before you respond, although that can be useful.
Regulation can be achieved in all aspects of your life and is a prefrontal cortex function.
Think about what regulation really is -
the action or process of regulating or being regulated:
and what does it mean to be regulated?
control or maintain the rate or speed of (a machine or process) so that it operates properly:
This is really important as so much that we do in life is completely unregulated which then knocks on to other functions and structures.
So today, I would like you to consider the word
Old English discipul (fem. discipula), "one who follows another for the purpose of learning," especially "the personal followers of Jesus Christ during his life, the twelve Apostles chosen or called by him to be his immediate associates," a Biblical borrowing from Latin discipulus "pupil, student, follower," which is of uncertain origin.
In OED and Watkins it is said to be from discere "to learn," from a reduplicated form of the PIE root *dek- "to take, accept." But according to Barnhart and Klein, it is from a lost compound *discipere "to grasp intellectually, analyze thoroughly," from dis- "apart" (see dis-) + capere "to take, take hold of," from PIE root *kap- "to grasp."
What would you like to grasp intellectually?
What would you like to follow?
Who would you like to follow for the purpose of learning?
By drilling down into the actual meaning of words we can start to form our own opinions and influence ourselves into the direction we want to go in!
In order to regulate we need to be disciplined.
What discipline would support you in regulation?
Think about that!
“True freedom is impossible without a mind made free by discipline.”
oh Dr Rach!! I just sent a message about the squats then I read “True freedom is impossible without a mind made free by discipline. Not sure that the mind is "free" by discipline but I am sure, having now done my 115 squats, that the mind feels better with discipline. Keep up the good work Dr Rach- we appreciate you so much. My consistency is sometimes lacking but my desire is still there :)