Join us for an entertaining and enlightening tour of what has been the most enlightening parts of the process for those amazing people striving to be (UN)Broken, living their lives authentically, magnificently and totally unapologetically.
Starting with some tips of what collectively have helped the (UN)Broken tribe members the most in their unique, individual and bespoke journeys of awareness, acceptance and amazement. It is a common trait when feeling broken to feel that we are not as human as the next person, not the same, however this episode seeks to break that taboo and show how human we all are and our paths may be different but in essence we all have the same fears, un-comfortability and worries.
Key Insights From This Episode:
The only person that we have control over is ourselves.
I encourage people to actually start to cultivate the art of resting because we don't get enough.
I tell people that doing nothing is doing something. We never, ever are actually doing nothing.
The brain doesn't differentiate between good or bad. It doesn't. And it also doesn't differentiate between true and not true. The brain is not any kind of referee over things. Its job is just to keep us alive.
It takes at least eight weeks for a new neural pathway to start developing in the brain. Eight weeks, 56 days.
They have experienced the battle between “now is okay, and I'm going to give okay up for what is in the future, which I don't even know what that is”. The uncertainty of it all. I have to live with the anxiety, I have to live with these unfamiliar feelings to something that isn't really even that tangible anymore.
Learn how to say no to anything that doesn't feel right. That doesn't seem right. That doesn't sound right. That doesn't make you feel right. Learn how to say no.
Keywords: self-help, rest, processing, uncertainty, emotions, support
About Our Host
Dr Rachel Taylor
Dr Rachel Taylor is a neuroscientist with decades of experience exploring, discovering and solving everyday challenges faced by many, as well as listening to and telling the stories of people she comes across in her endeavour to show difference is good, trauma is endemic and joy is connection. She started UnBroken as she wanted to highlight that the system is broken not people and uses the UnBroken podcast to share her learnings, honest conversations and words of wisdom with the UnBroken Tribe of listener.
About UnBroken
UnBroken is founded upon the belief that the environment in which we were born, grew in, live in, work in, play in and rest in has a huge impact on how well we believe we are and how well we perform. Wellbeing and optimal human performance are not simply about the absence of disease, they are about the ability to live purposefully, intentionally, joyfully and freely.
UnBroken provides a range of supportive online resources including a podcast, blog, apothecary and monthly online membership for people who dare to be different, are open to possibilities and want a different pathway to their own version of success.
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