I wanted to take this opportunity to welcome all of you to 2023. Some of you have been with me in Substack throughout December 2022 and some of you have been transported across as if by magic on the 31st.
To all of you a huge hello.
I am taking it for sure now that all of you who are here are here because you are interested in creating a better (and kinder) world for you and the world around you and I am really excited at what I have planned for the coming months.
If you are new, you may want to have a look at the previous posts I have made. They may contain something useful!
For those of you who are on a free subscription you will receive in box happenings at least twice in the month as you have been used to. They will not contain any workbooks or videos.
For those of you who are paid subscribers you will receive all the resources you need to support your brain, nervous system and body into creating whatever kind of world you wish.
This is the crux of it all.
I really want to support everyone to be magnificent and authentically them.
Whoever that may be.
Be exactly who you want.
As long as you take responsibility and ownership for that.
There will be a plethora of topics, domains and focuses in 2023, so basically soemthing there for everyone and their interests.
In this tribe there is only one rule and that is to be respectful.
When we sense disrespect our basal ganglia sends a stress response out and it is literally is a life or death situation for our brains.
If you disagree with an opinion that is fine, discussion and debate is welcome with open arms but please let us all do it in kindness.
Kindness, for those who are unsure of the true meaning, is something that is a long term strategy to meet a need, not a want, and certainly never an indulgence or short term treat.
So welcome all and I would like to firstly ask you all to consider if you have not done so to think of what you would like your theme of the year to be.
You can declare it here and have accountability or merely just write it down to have it in mind. It is important though to have something to focus on so the year is something and not just anything.
Looking forward to what is to come look out for ‘TWELVE DAYS OF KINDNESS’ starting 3rd January and finishing on 15th January (my birthday!).
Each day you will receive an act of kindness for you to complete. It will not take more than five minutes. I will explain what to do and why it is good for you. So much better than any resolutions!
All I ask is that you spread the kindness. Forward to two other people that you know needs some kindness in their life!
Thank you for reading and I am so looking forward to the fun we will have together!
Have fun, even if it’s not the same kind of fun everyone else is having
That’s so lovely to read Lisa! Little steps everyday and it will all get closer .. happy 2023!
I intend that 2023 shines a light on this for you! happy new year Andy!